Michael, 50

CT Chest diagnosis

Attached is my CT Chest scan; could you provide a diagnosis?

Interpretation of the test result by AI

This is a chest CT scan. There appears to be a mass or abnormal lesion in the right lung region. The size and shape are unclear due to the resolution, but it may suggest the presence of a tumor or area of consolidation. Both lungs show bronchial markings and vasculature, but the primary concern is the observable mass in the right lung.

CT Chest

CT Chest

AI Powered Online Medical Diagnosis


Michael, a 50-year-old male, has provided a CT Chest scan showing a mass or abnormal lesion in the right lung region. The size and shape are unclear due to the resolution, but it may suggest the presence of a tumor or area of consolidation. Both lungs show bronchial markings and vasculature.

Main Possible Diagnosis

Lung Cancer (70%) - Lung cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the lungs. The presence of a mass in the right lung is concerning for a possible malignancy.

Less Likely Diagnosis

Lung Infection (30%) - This could be a severe lung infection or pneumonia, which can sometimes appear as a mass or consolidation on imaging.


The CT Chest scan shows a mass or abnormal lesion in the right lung, which raises concerns for lung cancer. Lung cancer is a serious condition where abnormal cells grow uncontrollably in the lung tissue. The mass's characteristics, such as its size and shape, are not clear from the provided image, but the presence of a mass is concerning. Other possibilities include a severe lung infection or pneumonia, which can sometimes appear as a mass on imaging. Given the potential seriousness of lung cancer, it is crucial to follow up with further diagnostic tests. This condition can be life-threatening if not treated promptly, but early detection and treatment can improve outcomes. Next steps include consulting with a pulmonologist or an oncologist for further evaluation. Additional tests, such as a biopsy of the mass, PET scan, or further imaging, will help determine the exact nature of the lesion. Treatment options will depend on the final diagnosis and may include surgery, chemotherapy, radiation therapy, or a combination of these. It is important to address this promptly to determine the exact cause and begin appropriate treatment.

Medical Test Report

The CT Chest scan shows a mass or abnormal lesion in the right lung. This finding is concerning for a possible tumor or area of consolidation, which requires further investigation to determine the exact nature of the lesion.

More Tests Recommended For You

  • Biopsy of the lung mass to determine if it is cancerous or benign. This will involve taking a small sample of the mass tissue for analysis.
  • PET scan to assess the metabolic activity of the mass and check for any spread of disease.
  • Further high-resolution CT scans to get a clearer picture of the mass and surrounding lung tissue.
  • Consultation with a pulmonologist or oncologist for a comprehensive evaluation and to discuss the next steps.
  • Disclaimer

    This document is not intended as medical advice or a replacement for professional medical consultation. It provides general guidance for initial diagnosis and suggests questions to discuss with a healthcare provider. Always seek personalized medical advice from a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Contact us at hi@doctola.com

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