Olivia, 34

MRI Brain diagnosis

My MRI Brain scan is attached; I would appreciate your diagnosis.

Interpretation of the test result by AI

This is a brain MRI. The right side looks normal. The left side has an abnormality that appears to be a mass lesion with irregular borders, suggesting a possible diagnosis of a brain tumor.

MRI Brain

MRI Brain

AI Powered Online Medical Diagnosis


Olivia, a 34-year-old female, has undergone a brain MRI. The right side of the brain appears normal, but the left side shows an abnormality that looks like a mass lesion with irregular borders, suggesting a possible brain tumor.

Main Possible Diagnosis

Brain Tumor (80%) - A brain tumor is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain. The irregular borders and mass lesion on the left side of the brain are indicative of this condition.

Less Likely Diagnosis

Brain Abscess (20%) - A brain abscess is a collection of pus caused by an infection in the brain. While less likely, it can sometimes present with similar imaging findings.


The MRI scan shows a mass lesion with irregular borders on the left side of your brain. This is most likely a brain tumor, which is an abnormal growth of cells within the brain. The irregular borders and the nature of the mass are typical characteristics of a tumor. However, there is also a possibility, though less likely, that this could be a brain abscess, which is a collection of pus caused by an infection in the brain. A brain tumor can be serious and may require further evaluation to determine its type, whether it is benign (non-cancerous) or malignant (cancerous), and the best course of treatment. A brain abscess, on the other hand, is usually caused by an infection and can be treated with antibiotics and sometimes surgical drainage. Next steps would include consulting with a neurologist or a neurosurgeon who can perform additional tests such as a biopsy to confirm the diagnosis. Depending on the findings, treatment options may include surgery, radiation therapy, chemotherapy, or a combination of these. It is important to address this condition promptly to determine the exact nature of the mass and to start appropriate treatment as soon as possible.

Medical Test Report

The MRI scan shows a mass lesion with irregular borders on the left side of the brain, suggesting a possible brain tumor. Further tests are needed to confirm the diagnosis.

More Tests Recommended For You

  • Biopsy - To obtain a tissue sample from the mass for definitive diagnosis.
  • Blood tests - To check for markers of infection or other abnormalities.
  • CT scan - To get a more detailed view of the brain and surrounding structures.
  • Urgency Of Your Diagnosis

    This situation requires prompt attention from a neurologist or neurosurgeon to determine the exact nature of the mass and to start appropriate treatment as soon as possible.


    This document is not intended as medical advice or a replacement for professional medical consultation. It provides general guidance for initial diagnosis and suggests questions to discuss with a healthcare provider. Always seek personalized medical advice from a qualified physician or healthcare provider. Contact us at hi@doctola.com

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