Our service allows you to fill out a short form and upload your medical documents. We will ask you a few more questions about your medical condition. Once the form is submitted, our system analyzes the information and generates a PDF diagnosis report.
You can upload various types of medical documents, such as blood tests, MRIs, and photos of your condition. Accepted file types include PDFs, images (JPG, PNG), and text files. Ensure that the documents are clear and legible for accurate analysis.
Typically, you will receive your diagnosis report within 1 minute after making the payment. Filling out the form may take you around 5-10 minutes.
Your diagnosis will be generated by advanced AI systems that have been trained on public medical information and recent scientific articles. In many cases, they are more informed than humans about recent medical treatments. They are also occasionally being supervised by real doctors.
Definitely not. The service is intended for people who want an instant interpretation of their medical results or have questions about a medical condition. It can help you be more informed when meeting your doctor. The diagnosis will also indicate the urgency of your problem and whether you can wait for your appointment. The service can be used as a second opinion after seeing your doctor as well. It is not meant to replace doctors but can help identify issues that your doctor might have missed.
Yes, we prioritize your privacy and data security. You do not need to submit any personal details such as your name. Additionally, if you upload any medical files, they will be deleted once the diagnosis is completed. The only information we retain is the form data and your final diagnosis, which does not contain any personal information. You are also welcome to omit any personal details from your files by simply marking them in black.
We have conducted extensive tests, and currently, our system's accuracy is above 82% for conditions that include images and files. For more common medical conditions, the accuracy exceeds 90%.
You can check out other patients' diagnoses here.
Once submitted, you cannot edit your information directly. However, you can use the link you receive in your diagnosis report to continue with additional information or files if needed.
If you experience any problems, please contact our support team by clicking here. If you have a client ID (after payment) please include it in your email.